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Besides the realization of pop-cultural events, we would like to leave a livable, intact planet to future generations. This is only possible if we all change our behavior significantly and we want to do our part. Touring and shows are unfortunately not very sustainable at the moment, an immense effort for only 90 minutes of show. We want to raise awareness for this topic and share our experiences and concepts with you.
We are aware of the ecological impact of the music industry on the climate, sometimes triggered by our activities, such as touring or festivals, and therefore commit ourselves to act more sustainably and minimize our ecological footprint.
We work almost completely digitized, so our paper consumption is minimal. Due to bureaucracy, 100 percent digitization is not (yet) possible.
Set-up automatisms help us to act in an energy-saving way in the office.
Logo integrations on all our tickets inform concert guests about climate-friendly travel options. If you are an event organizer, feel free to add the logo to your tickets. Thanks to the kind support of Eventim, Ticketmaster, Reservix and München Ticket it can be integrated free of charge.
In addition, we are in the process of rethinking flyer advertising and posters digitally for future events after Corona, so that we can dispense with this unnecessary paper waste.
We as Innsite Booking are fortunately not dependent on the voucher regulation to have to take up. If the postponed dates cannot be used, there is still the possibility to return the tickets to the place where they were bought.
This is just the beginning of a never-ending journey. Because climate protection is not something you can check off like a To Do. It requires a permanent attitude and way of life. As members of the Music Declares Emergency Germany initiative, we will continue to actively promote the topic and provide all interested parties with ideas and inspiration on how to make an active contribution to environmental protection. Therefore we provide suggestions and tips on sustainable approaches at this link:
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